The Man Behind the lable

The Music  

  In 1999, I moved to Georgia and began working with my father.  I didn’t have the patience for fishing, so golf and music was way to connect with my father.  In early 2002 I started playing guitar.  Art and the need to create have always been a driving force in my life.  I guess the natural progression for me musically, was to write my own songs.   I have always been drawn to the storytellers, primarily those within the country music genre. These influences would ultimately help form my writing style.   I like a song that creates a strong mental picture.  Great songs are remembered for what they have to say and the feelings they evoke.

The Brand

In 2022 My focus has shifted to the merchandise aspect of my budding musical empire. Hopefully the Redneck In Training® brand will bring listeners to my music and visa versa. The Song “Redneck In Training” was written in 2005, recorded in 2017 and now It has its own line of clothing and other merchendise.


Redneck In Training Brand
Est. in Eatonton GA. 2022


All items inspired by the music of lyle manring